Baby Pool and Buck's Pad

Winnie went swimming for the first time with Sandy's little girl, Hazel, on June 2nd at the Holiday Inn pool...

She didn't know what to think about the water and how the sounds in the indoor pool area ricocheted!

Hazel talking to Winnie- showing her how it's done!
First you hold your breath, then you dip under the water, then you move your arms and legs around... who knows? But there's my dad, SME, doing it!

Winnie's first swim in her own pool...
Her eyes matched the blues of the water and the pool...

Splish Splash!!

Week of June 2nd.

Check out those legs in these shorts from Aunt Tanya. Winnie's sitting on the new screened-in porch in this shot.

Hachi mama

Buck and Tanya's new living room! I can't wait to see what the new paint color will look like- it's going to shimmer.. and that far wall should have a checkerboard on it when they're done, too.

OOOOOH. What a project! We spent about two nights peeling this wallpaper off of the kitchen walls! Hello, 1976! The back yard is amazing - great setting for a home in Asheville!

Morgan, Buck, Tanya, Julie, Allison and I sat around after everyone arrived and relaxed a while... then they were off to Bonnaroo early the next morning!! Morgan and I are the losers who stayed behind! That's okay, we'll enjoy the beautiful scenery at their new home while they're gone.

And they're Bonnaroo bound- we're jealous-


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