Fall is upon us

Winnie's birthday party; the first strike at Gina's pinata

Frannie gets a swing in -

Oliver shows us he's not a girl

I hit the thing, candy comes out.
Ella Brett takes a run at it

p.s. bare feet are dangerous in my yard
Anna gets in the mix

highschool football with Gina

playing with Leggos with Eric and Kara at Gina's place

me as a baby...
..from the Emerald Isle trip
She wears it all of the time, even to bed occasionally.
Winnie has moved to a new school and misses her old friends - but she is enjoying meeting new people. At the end of October she was spotted kicking her feet while she was swinging, propelling herself on the swing. She is completely potty trained and has been for a couple of months. She loves her Halloween books The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything and Ten Timid Ghosts. She loves It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
For Halloween she dressed in a beautiful Snow White costume (complete with bejeweled cape, pictures to follow) that her Gee had made her. She spent most of her Halloween night trying to "shop" Frannie's closet for costumes instead of trick-or-treating.
Even though I promised myself that any child of mine would NEVER waste time with tv, she regularly works the dvd player herself, taking out Annie and putting in Wizard, pausing the movie when she races off to the bathroom. We have to limit the tv time or she would watch something all day long, if she could.
Even though I promised myself that any child of mine would NEVER waste time with tv, she regularly works the dvd player herself, taking out Annie and putting in Wizard, pausing the movie when she races off to the bathroom. We have to limit the tv time or she would watch something all day long, if she could.
The other night she got into the nail polish and painted her FACE, her HANDS, the BED, the SHEETS, her FEET, her STOMACH, her HAIR. Great. She is completely self-sufficient on the ipad, even though I have to keep it from her so she won't drop it. She loves the drawing app and the storybook ones. The ABC one is homework, so it's not as exciting. Morgan is living with us now, so she plays with him daily. They fight with (toy) golf clubs through the house.
She is a complete clothes horse and pays attention to the clothes drawn on the characters as we read books at bedtime. She points out which outfits are the best for her. When my friends come over, she generally checks out their shoes and clothes and comments on their jewelry. When two little girls came to Tish's door to trick-or-treat, Winnie asked them to hike up their costume dresses so she could gauge their shoes. They obliged.
from Gina's visit while I was at Market in October

playing with Leggos with Eric and Kara at Gina's place