spring 09
Winnie and I explore the Jaycee park May first. We explored again May second and May third.

looking at her first,colorful Eloise book
Winnie on her way to meet Gina at the Pancho Villa Mexican restaurant May 8, 2009..
She is carrying her glitter pink purse from Aunt Tanya.
Tanya would approve of the shoes, too.
Every night before bedtime, Winnie points to her bookshelf and cries, "Book!!!" - prolonging the inevitable. We generally read five or six - with the adapted Eloise thrown into the mix at least twice.
Before going to the bookstore we shopped for her clothes and also bought a cruiser bike complete with a seat on the back for her. She whined the first whole half of our trip down the bike path, but on the way back she seemed to enjoy the outdoors a little more. She was wearing her red bike hat and a red and silver outfit that matched the bike perfectly, and I had on my red and white Converse One-Stars. We were a sight.
notice the tassles and the silver bell
thank god for the kickstand and gears
more park pictures
Sassy Chick, indeed.